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Get a clear picture of your health, then take control

Get a clear picture of your health, then take control

You should not go through any pain to know the true state of your health. Now you can have your full-body checkup done at home, with quick results and a review with a doctor on next steps.

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Age group 18 & above
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Doctor’s Consultation
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Full Body Checkup Bronze

With this checkup, you can detect early signs of major health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and other chronic diseases.


Full Body Checkup Bronze plan includes:

MarkLightIconFasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
MarkLightIconFull Blood Count
MarkLightIconTotal Cholesterol
MarkLightIconLiver Function Test (AST/ALT)
MarkLightIconKidney Function Test (Urea/Creatinine)

Full Body Checkup Silver


This package covers a range of key tests and examinations, including blood work and general health assessments. Our medical professionals will assess your cardiovascular


Full Body Checkup Silver plan includes:

MarkLightIconFasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
MarkLightIconFull Blood Count
MarkLightIconLipid Profile (Lipogram)
MarkLightIconLiver Function Test (AST/ALT)
MarkLightIconKidney Function Test (Urea/Creatinine)
MarkLightIconUric Acid
MarkLightIconThyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
MarkLightIconLiquid Based Cytology (LBC)
MarkLightIconStool Microscopy

Full Body Checkup Gold

This is a thorough medical examination that assesses various aspects of a person's health. It is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of an individual's overall well-being.


Full Body Checkup Gold plan includes:

MarkLightIconFull Blood Count
MarkLightIconLipid Profile (Lipogram)
MarkLightIconLiver Function Test
MarkLightIconKidney Function Test
MarkLightIconUric Acid
MarkLightIconThyroid Function Test (Free T3, Free T4,TSH)
MarkLightIconLiquid Based Cytology (LBC)
MarkLightIconStool Microscopy
MarkLightIconInorganic Phosphate
MarkLightIconC-Reactive Protein (CRP)
MarkLightIconHIV I & II Rapid
MarkLightIconHepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Rapid
MarkLightIconHepatitis C Virus Ab (Rapid)
MarkLightIconStool Occult Blood

About Full Body checkup

The Healthtracka Full Body Checkup is a comprehensive health screening package designed to provide a detailed overview of your general body health. This package includes a range of tests and diagnostic procedures that assess various aspects of your health, including cardiovascular health, blood sugar levels, kidney and liver function, and more. With this checkup, you can detect early signs of major health issues like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and other chronic diseases.


Full body checkup explained

Watch this short overview video to get a head-start on everything about our test

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